Pramukh Party Plot & Banquet is one of the best luxury banquets in Vadodara. Pramukh Party Plot & Banquet is a fine relic from the traditional Indian hospitality, blended with technologically advanced facilities of the global hospitality industry. With more than a decade of experience planning wedding ceremonies, we will help you organized personalized events so that you can celebrate in style. They offer complete event support for all your nuptial ceremonies and events.
Pramukh Party Plot & Banquet modern amenities ensure that your wedding functions are planned without any delays. They can accommodate up to 2000 guest. Set amidst beautiful hall promising luxury fit for any special occasion. It offers you a canvas of great ambiance that can be decorated and designed as per your wishes and desires.
Been on
WedMeGood Since
5 years 3 months
Catering policy
Inhouse & outside catering allowed
Decor Policy
Outside decorators permitted
Outside Caterer Allowed, Outside Decorator Allowed
Outside Alcohol
In house alcohol not available, Outside alcohol not permitted
DJ Policy
In house DJ not available , Outside DJ not permitted