Find the perfect combination of modernity and tradition, at 99 North Restaurant. Set in a picturesque harmony of comfort and luxury, 99 North Restaurant you unmatched hospitality with a thoughtfully curated venue for your special occasion. They take pride in providing a venue so beautiful to behold and in taking care of their guests genuinely so that each event held there is an experience to cherish. 99 North Restaurant is having a banquet hall which is suitable for pre weddings, post wedding functions and for weddings, with great ambiance and having a wonderful view.
99 North Restaurant is having 1 banquet hall which is having the capacity 250 guests. They are having inhouse catering team. Be sure to give us the privilege of hosting your special day if you have a good feeling about their service. It is very good venue for wedding functions.
Been on
WedMeGood Since
5 years 5 months
Catering policy
Inhouse catering only
Decor Policy
Decorators from panel only
Outside Alcohol
In house alcohol not available, Outside alcohol not permitted
DJ Policy
In house DJ not available , Outside DJ not permitted