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What No One Tells You About the Difficulties in Planning an Outdoor Wedding!

BY Sakshi | 27 Jul, 2016 | 3 views | 5 min read

Beautiful photos, bright colors and lovely weather ! Outdoor weddings are so tempting arent they? However  unless you're hiring a planner who knows his or her job, planning an outdoor wedding is not as easy as it looks. Obviously, you don't have to worry about the lighting if it's a day wedding and unplanned rain is something that runs at the back of everyone's head (tips to deal with that here!), but if you guys are planning your outdoor wedding yourself, then you need to consider some of these difficulties that are most likely going to crop up which no one tells you about! Ask yourself why you're choosing a particular venue

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Why are you having an outdoor wedding? Because the pictures turn out prettier and everything looks more gorgeous in daylight? Or because the décor really stands out? If those are good enough reasons, then also consider why you're choosing that particular venue. Obviously décor can be made really pretty, but make sure the venue by itself is also interesting and appealing, that's the only way it's gonna be worth it! The venue should have certain elements that make your job easier, not tougher. And look for one that doesn't need to be done up much, it should look pretty on it's own and your decorator can enhance it. Prepare for extra noise

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Another thing a lot of couples do not consider while planning an outdoor wedding is how noisy it can really get! Whether there's a highway close by or the beach, fact is that what's sounding OK when you do a reccé might not be so later, when there are some 300 guests chatting within themselves and music plays in the background. So consider all this... whether you choose another venue, take soundproofing measures or use speakers more effectively- the choice is yours. Prepare for the wind

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Wind is another factor you have to consider. If it's a windy venue, then you might have a tough time keeping lightweight centrepieces, paper items and other small décor items in place. So make sure they're not kept in such a place or weigh them down with something. Also, if you're using candles, make sure they're inside glass candle stands so that they don't keep blowing off. Prepare for pest and bug control

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If it is a forest or a garden, then pests and bugs come free with it, and that is something you have to take very seriously, no matter how small the issue looks. They can bite, they can hover and make the food look unappealing and unhygienic, and they can generally buzz around and irritate people. They can even get photographed, ruining some of the most beautiful shots! So you need to make sure the place is fumigated the same morning, place electrical bug trappers or even the tried and tested mosquito coils all around the venue, especially at night. Try keeping the food stalls protected with glass lids. Be careful with the flowers

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There are a lot of flowers that survive well and look fresh indoors, but under the sun? Not so much! They will wilt and turn brown before your event is over, and look ugly. Plus, there are also some flowers that attract more insects than normal, so check on that with your florist before placing the order as well. And make sure not to spritz the flowers with water for an outdoor event, because they will wilt even faster under the sun! Refrigerate them instead. Check the grass to ensure it isn't too soft

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This is a problem you and your guests might face on the wedding day. If the soil is too soft in the garden, then the heels will dig in, spoiling expensive shoes and the bottom of the dress as well. So test this out personally with a pair of heels before the event, and if that is the case, then either lay carpets around or distribute plastic heel protectors to the guests which stops the heel from digging in. Lighting might still be required

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Check out for trees or some building that might cover the sunlight, so doing a proper reccé at the time of the event some other day is important. Consider additional lighting options if required and also keep in mind that if it is an Indian wedding, chances of a delay are always there, so if the event does get pushed beyond 5 PM, then you might have to keep backup lights ready so that the photos do not get affected. Choose food wisely

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The food should complement the weather. If it is a summer outdoor wedding, then serve refreshing food and cold things to drink. Make sure there are proper arrangements in place to keep things refrigerated. Also, avoid desserts that will melt in the heat. Like cream cheese icing for example, it's very yum, but does not tend to stick around in the heat well. So make sure your cake is able to hold up well outdoors. Outdoor-proof your make-up + hair (hello frizz)

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The make up should complement the fact that it's an outdoor wedding. Bold and heavy make up can look a little too much in the day. Keep it light and refreshing! Also, if it's hot outdoors, even the best make-up can get sweaty and melt, especially if you have oily skin. Keep touch-ups ready, so you don't have to keep going inside again and again. Also, consider the weather while doing up your hair. It could get frizzy, or worse, ruined because of the wind! Oh yes, use antiperspirant or armpit protectors if you get really sweaty, so that sweaty underarms don't ruin your photos!
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