#Trending: What's a Message in a Bottle Doing at a Wedding?
BY Sakshi | 08 Nov, 2016 | 1 view | 1 min read
So, what is this trend?
This is basically a cool idea for a guestbook- the guests roll up and leave tiny chits of paper with their good (or funny) thoughts for the couple! Super cute, right?
So how does one do this?
Well, you can set up a sweet corner like this one with a board or a chalkboard for the guests to understand what it's for. You can keep some cards and pens for them next to it.
Photo Courtesy: www.modwedding.com
Another great idea is to leave a message saying that you'll open it on one of your special anniversaries, so the guests can leave messages accordingly!
Photo Courtesy: Pinterest
Adorable stuff, right? Would you try it?