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#Trending: What's a Message in a Bottle Doing at a Wedding?

BY Sakshi | 08 Nov, 2016 | 1 view | 1 min read

So, this is something we have spotted on Pinterest of late, and it looks very interesting! Any guesses to what this is?

0462ebaa90778a506193450c11ca7240Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

So, what is this trend?

This is basically a cool idea for a guestbook- the guests roll up and leave tiny chits of paper with their good (or funny) thoughts for the couple! Super cute, right?

adad35a2f489d1eecca10279d98da6f1Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

So how does one do this?

Well, you can set up a sweet corner like this one with a board or a chalkboard for the guests to understand what it's for. You can keep some cards and pens for them next to it.

wedding-guest-book-3-091415chPhoto Courtesy: www.modwedding.com

Another great idea is to leave a message saying that you'll open it on one of your special anniversaries, so the guests can leave messages accordingly!


Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

Adorable stuff, right? Would you try it?

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