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Things South Indians say at North Indian Weddings (& Vice Versa)

BY The WMG Bride | 08 Oct, 2014 | 2 min read

north-indian-vs-south-indianwedding While Two States might have highlighted the North-South Wedding divide on screen, we thought we at Wedmegood would give your our own spin on it. Ofcourse, these are all totally clichéd and pander to stereotypes but hey, its never a bad idea to have a bit of a laugh at your community is there? So here goes:  

Things South Indians say at North Indian weddings

1) What they say: What a pretty set! What they mean: grey girl 2) What they say: What a pretty lehenga! What they mean: alia 3)What they say: Love that lipstick on you! What they mean: ezgif.com-optimize (3) 4) On entering the wedding What they say : Oh crap! I'm so underdressed! What they mean: xyz 5) What they say "So much food, Yayy! I just can't choose what to eat!" What they mean: eye roll 6) What they say "Oh Wow! There's another function after this?" funny lazy chc

Things North Indians say at South Indian weddings

1) What they say: On entering "Awwww... I love how simple everything is!" What they mean: black and white clearer   2) What they say: Wow! Such pretty sets around your neck! What they mean: ezgif.com-optimize 3) On seeing a shirtless groom... What they say: You make such a good pair! What they mean: black 4) To a kanjivaram-clad bride: What they say: deepika 5) When asked to sit on the floor and eat... What they say: Wow! I've never done this at a wedding before! What they mean: beyonce 6) When the food is being served What they say: baby 7) On leaving What they say: What a simple and sweet affair it was! What they mean: 14 8) What they say: So the feras start at 7 am? What they mean: 15   So all the Panju's and the Mallu's ... now you exactly know what the other one's thinking at your wedding! thebigculturedividewhathappenswhenanorthindianmarriesasouthindian1_1408687434   Ps: this isn't meant to offend anyone! Just trying to give you a mid week laugh! :)   [handbook] Getting hitched? Don't forget to check out our vendor guide here: WMG Handbook Contributed by Sakshi Saxena
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