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The Cutest Foodie Tricks At Weddings That Everyone Will LOVE!

BY Sakshi | 24 Nov, 2016 | 2 views | 3 min read

Racking your brains about what awesomeness to dish up and serve at your wedding? Well, we just made it a whole lot easier for you with these amazing foodie tricks for weddings, which will get more than a second glance and taste from your guests! And most of them are pretty easy to pull off!

Chocolate wax seal

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Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

So vintage and amazing right? You can get these monogrammed chocolate seals made and get them placed on top of every tiny muffin or cupcake and get a lot of aahhs and ooohs from your guests! You might really have to work on sourcing this stuff, but when you do it'll be totally worth it!

Customised wedding cookies

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Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

Why not have your initials, names or the date of your wedding etched on every cookie you serve? Such a cute idea and one that your guests will remember for a long long time!

Frozen fruits for drinks

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Photo Courtesy: Pinterest An awesome idea for cocktails or mocktails, frozen fruits as they are or in ice cubes are such a cool idea to spruce up the drinks! Add frozen strawberries to champagne, frozen grapes to wine or just some frozen mint cubes to lemonade- works like a charm!

Edible glitter

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Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

Yes, it is a real thing and such an amazing one at that! It's basically sparkling sugar and pretty easy to make, so use it to spruce up a lot of your wedding food!

Pimp your cupcake or ice cream counter

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Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

What an adorable idea for a dessert bar! Have a counter like this, with a lot of toppings on display and see everyone appreciate it and load up their desserts with toppings!

Mashed potato in a glass

oPhoto Courtesy: www.yelp.com

Who said that only drinks and desserts should come in glasses? Have something savoury like mashed potatoes with cool toppings served in tall glasses, and it's a guaranteed hit!

Bite-sized waffles with toppings

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Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

Who doesn't love waffles? And bite sized waffles at weddings? That's like dream come true kinda stuff! Top it up with veggies or sandwich some chicken between two tiny waffles for awesome bite sized appetizers!

Fruit infused water or lemonade bar

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Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

Just something simple, which looks so glam! Keep bottles or cans of fruit infused water- which is such an awesome idea for a chilled out day wedding!

Food served in shot glasses

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Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

Whether it's dessert or something savoury, you can serve it in shot glasses, which will make it super easy for your guests to pick and eat. Serve the dip and the veggies together or even a cheesecake!

Tacos With Indian Flavours

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Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

Tacos are probably the easiest and the fun-nest foods to have at weddings. So why not spice them up? We have Rajma tacos, paneer tacos and oh, butter chicken tacos.

So, ready to have cooler-looking food at your wedding?

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