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Super Ideas for adding Sparklers (PhoolJadi) to your Indian Wedding

BY The WMG Bride | 25 Oct, 2014 | 3 views | 3 min read

In the spirit of Diwali, we thought it was only appropriate to touch upon one of our FAV props for weddings- Phooljadis (or sparklers). While they may seem like the most common firecracker around, and you mostly use them to light that anar on diwali- when phooljadis meet weddings= Magical things happen. See how. #1. For your Pre wedding shoot / Save the date shoot This is the most stunning idea to make your couple photoshoot a talking point for generations to come.  Ask your wedding photographer if she/he can add this touch to your photos. You have to stand very still, and make somebody run around you with lighted sparklers in hand. These are long exposure shots. Discuss this with your Photographer because they might need some special equipments or assistants to help them take the shot. sparklers-pre-wedding-shoot

Source: Trevor Allen

Above : This shot is created when you ask a friend to run around the both of you with a sparkler in their hand. Leave the rest to your photographer. sparklers-indinaedding

Source: pinterest. Picture by  aeron borchers studio

You can even  write your wedding date in sparklers. So gorgeous #2. On your Reception cake Wedding cakes are finally getting their due in India and it is time to take it up a notch with that extra sparkle! sparklers-cake-001 sparkelrs-cake Left: From the Madh Island wedding we featured from Mumbai -  Sparklers were used on their reception cake #3. For your Bidaai! Make a grand exit with a tear in your eye turning into the sparkle with these glittery sparklers! Your Bidaai cannot get any more glamorous! Wedding Sparklers Ideas and Inspiration - Sparkler Sign 02 sparklers-indian-wedding #4.Bride and groom entry View More: http://poojajosephphotography.pass.us/vishwedsradh View More: http://poojajosephphotography.pass.us/vishwedsradh The real wedding we featured of Vishal and Radhika saw them walking on a white carpet amongst sparklers on each side.     Tips for getting the best Sparkler Photos:
  • Make sure its dark outside when you do these shots
  • Practice- to get a shot where you are creating a shape with a sparkler, you need to do it in 1 second or less for the camera to capture it. So practice making that heart or the dates with an unlit sparkler before hand
  • Make sure your photographer knows how to click photos with sparklers. They require a wide angled lens
  • Stand as still as possible while doing the sparkler movement
  • If you want a shot like the first one (couple with sparklers all around them) then ask a friend to run around you with a sparkler
  • The friend running with the sparkler should make sure he goes up and down  to create low and high movement, however to avoide the sparkler being infront of your face so that the faces are still visible to the audience
Any other cool ways you know of using phooljhadis in Indian weddings? Comment below and let us know [handbook] Getting married? Find your vendor here
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