Stressed Before The Wedding? Here's What Every Bride Needs To Do To Get Her Mind Off The Madness!
BY Latha Sunadh | 01 Jun, 2016 | 6 min read
Planning a wedding is no easy task, and especially when we're talking about our big fat Indian weddings. There's just so much to be planned and done, especially if you guys have shouldered a chunk of the responsibility yourself. And it's not just one hectic week we're talking about, it could be anything as long as 6 months! And if you're even a borderline Bridezilla which most of us are, then stress comes hand in hand with the wedding fever!
So how do you take care of yourself when doing all that wedding planning? Here are some handy tips!
Write everything down
Keep a diary or spreadsheet dedicated to the wedding, and write EVERYTHING down. Schedule events or appointments, write down phone numbers, dates and budgets-all in one place, so you don't forget or lose things in a rush! This might not sound like much, but trust us, it works wonders in reducing the burden closer to the date! Self promotion guys :) You could use the Wed Me Good app to invite your family, friends and keep tabs on inspiration and ideas. It makes all the planning easier! The Wed Me Good app and the Cupidity bridal journal, just right for this job!
Yes, learn how to delegate! Planning and doing everything on your own is only going to stress you out more. When your friends and siblings offer their help, take it! Once you realize you can delegate a certain amount of work, you will realize how much less stressed out you're going to be. Work apps like Wunderlist or Don't Forget The Milk or even Evernote really help.
Assign an assistant
We don't mean hire someone, but have someone like your sister or BFF know each and everything you do about the wedding planning. This will save you a lot of stress in the final days. Hand her the phone and the diary on the D-day and let her field all calls, while you can relax and get ready.
Don't be too ambitious when getting clothes stitched
Every bride wants to look her best and most of us do want to lose weight before the big day. But when dropping off your blouses or suits for stitching, be realistic in your estimate. Remember, it's always easier to tighten clothes rather than loosen them. This will avoid undue pressure and stress during and near the wedding date.
Don't forget to eat well
Do not skip meals. If you're dieting, remember that you need to make sure you're healthy during the run up to the wedding, and on the big day, so it would be best to get a diet chart from a registered dietician. You're going to have enough trips to markets and venues, so save some calories to be burnt there! Wedding planning and especially shopping require a lot of energy!
Picture Courtesy:Ishank & Jessica's Wedding
Get plenty of rest
They call it beauty sleep for a reason! There's going to be a lot to be done, but deal with that during the day. Make sure to sleep on time and get at least 8 hours of rest - start this a month if not more in advance. Also, if you want to take daytime naps, take them without feeling guilty! Makeup definitely helps, but nothing can beat the inner healthy, well-rested glow of a bride!
Keep a track of your period
A lot of brides lose track of date and time around their weddings and forget that time of the month until it hits-right before the D-day! Stress can alter even the most punctual period, so keep that in mind, it will help your mood and your skin! If it is going to come sometime during your wedding or honeymoon, ask your gynecologist for options on what can be done to prepone or postpone it.
Try Aromatherapy
We know it's not possible to hit the spa time and again when you have so much to do, but try soothing yourself with Aromatherapy at home, using scented candles and bath products. You'll be surprised at what a difference they can make!
Channel your frustration correctly
There are going to be numerous arguments and debates at home during the wedding planning stage when everyone around is stressed out. You might even cry for no reason. But learn how to channelize your frustration and stress properly. Instead of arguing over something, head out for a walk to clear your head or better, take it out on the gym equipment!
Spend some quality time with BFFs
You might be interacting a lot with them for the wedding planning, but once in a while, let the wedding take a back seat and focus on having a good relaxed time. Go out for coffee or dinner, and talk about everything else but the wedding! Ask them what's happening in their lives for a change... You'll be surprised at what all you've missed off late!
Get some alone time with your beau
Make sure you both are on the same page as far as the wedding is concerned, and discuss any insecurities and doubts openly. Once in a while, go to a movie or anywhere else when you guys can just switch off from the wedding for a little bit. This will help in calming both your nerves. A holiday before the wedding week is a great idea!
Keep love letters and messages handy
There might be times when you both might get too over-whelmed and start questioning why you guys are tying the knot, even if you aren't saying so out loud. It might happen after an argument over the wedding or thanks to cold feet. But remind yourself of the special bond you guys share to bail you out of those tough moments!
Make a happy playlist on your phone or iPod
Put some peppy tracks and keep it handy whenever you feel stressed... Tracks that just won't let you be in a bad mood! You could even play it first thing in the morning as you bathe and get ready! Taylor Swift never sounded so good before, did she?
Try a digital detox
Try staying away from your gadgets as much as possible right before the wedding. A good idea is to switch off your cell phone and laptop after a certain time, say 9 PM. After talking to your fiancé of course!
And last, but not the least...
Don't forget to pamper yourself!
Book a day at the spa, or get someone to give you a massage at home... Whatever helps you destress... Even if it means eating a bar of chocolate once in a while! All this is for your special day and not an assignment or a chore... Don't forget that!
By Sakshi Saxena