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#Honeymoon Experience: Swim, Sail, Scuba Dive or Just Chill in the World's Largest Swimming Pool!

BY Sakshi | 30 Jun, 2017 | 2 min read

Are you both water babies? Does honeymoon sound like these few random words thrown in - swimsuit, pool, water, pool, beach, pool....etc etc. Then how about you visit the world's largest swimming pool on your big fat honeymoon? That might not sound like that big a draw, but beat this- you can swim, sail, kayak, jet surf and scuba dive it it too! 

Image via Wow Amazing

The San Alfonso Del Mar's Crystal Lagoon is not just a pool, and neither does it look like one! It has that pretty turquoise water look of the tropical seas, but without the risk and danger involved! The place lets you enjoy the Caribbean Sea right at the Chilean central coast.

The lagoon or pool is so huge that it can hold 66 million gallons of water! It's 3.5 meters deep and over a kilometre long! that's about 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools combined!!!

Image via Design Contract

If you're wondering about the feel of this place, let's tell you the entire pool is lined with sand on the side, and that too fine white sand- the best kinds! So yes, it has all the feels!

Image via Daily Mail

It's super blue and clean 'cz it has filtered and disinfected water from the Pacific Ocean- so it's crystal clear and that too without chemicals! 

Image via rickyleepotts

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