First Person - I Had Chicken Pox Six Months Before The Wedding And How I Got Rid Of The Marks Without A Dermat!
BY Apoorva | 16 Apr, 2019 | 5 min read
Bridal skincare is one of the most important elements in a bride’s get-ready list for the wedding. But what if you get chicken pox 6 months before your wedding day? A real bride opens up her secret stash of dos and don’t’s on how she tackled chicken pox scars, merely 6 months before the wedding!
Image via Soulmate Weddings
“Two weeks after the proposal and officially announcing it to my family – I came down with a fever. I thought it was the excitement and the family parties that got me exhausted and hence the fever. But on the second day I noticed a boil behind my ear. I brushed it off thinking this was a heat boil (we were in peak April Mumbai weather). Two days later 3 new boils appeared on my face. My mom panicked, since we had people to meet and a wedding to plan. We went to the doctor thinking it’s a heat boil but he diagnosed me with chicken pox!
Now, I never had chicken pox as a child so the doctor said that it would be more severe as an adult, add to that the summer heat. I broke down for two days thinking this was the end of all my wedding planning dreams but my doctor was extremely patient with me and suggested a whole bunch of things that I do to make sure that no scars are left behind. It dint work, I got scars! But that's how chicken pox works. Whether you scratch or no (I dint scratch even once!), the marks stay. What you need to do is, devise a way to get rid of them without going all crazy! So here's what I did. Firstly, accept the fact that you are going to have scars and marks over night. It was extremely depressing to see your entire body marked with boils within a day or two. Acceptance makes you deal with it better, I realized in hindsight.
I was all for going to the dermatologist as soon as I recovered but I realised that I needed to give my body and skin some time to heal before I started poking and prodding. In the end, I never went to a dermat for my scars and still got rid of 80% of them. How? With these simple dos and donts!"
Dos and Don’ts
But there are some major dos and don’ts of making sure that they are not permanent.
- Apply lacto calamine religiously everyday on each boil. It helps with the itching plus drying off.
- If you have a tub, have a bath with neem leaves or put tea tree oil in the bath and soak in.
- After the 5th day (or whenever the boils start drying off) have an oatmeal bath every second day. Incase you don’t have a tub, just apply a paste of ground oats, milk and honey all over your body for 15-20 mins and take a bath.
- Remember, chicken pox is concentrated on the middle of your body so your chest, stomach and back is going to be massively affected.
- Don’t scratch. That leaves marks. If you think you can’t control, wear gloves all day.
- Bio Oil was the Holy Grail product here! Once you are completely recovered, apply bio oil every day. Try applying it twice a day too if possible, all over. Be patient, bio oil takes time to work, almost 2-3 months to even start showing results.
- Another product – Calendula oilment is a must have in your home. Once the boils start to dry up, they form a brown scab (usually you get it even on an open wound if you fall or hurt yourself). You may be tempted to pick it, don’t! Apply calendula, it’s a homeopathic medicine so save for all and let the scab fall off.
- Try to sleep back down. The more you press your face into the pillow, more chances of scarring
- Moisturize daily with any heavy cream/bio oil. It will take about 6-8 months to fully get rid of the marks but you will have to put in that effort.
- In case you are worried about your face, make a face mask of ground oats, milk to make a paste, add to that a tablespoon of honey and a squeeze of lime. Apply it at least for 20 mins daily and it will help.
- A lot of people opt for collagen shots (edible collagen) but I was against it as it was just 6 months before the wedding and I dint know if that would suit me or no.
I realized after my wedding day that I was actually fussing about nothing. While most people tell you that all that matters is the person - but secretly every bride wants to look the best version of herself! So what you need to do is - be smart. Talk to your makeup artist before hand and tell her or him what your issues are. The hair and makeup can be designed accordingly (for example, I opted for open hair at almost all functions!). Also, if you have marks on your stomach and back be smart with your dupatta or saree drape, so that they can be covered."
Image is for representative purposes only