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Confused About What To Do With Your Wedding Gift Money? We've Got Some Options!

BY Apoorva | 08 Apr, 2018 | 3 min read

Ask any newly-wed couple and they will tell you that wedding gift money is one of the best wedding presents that you can ever receive! A world of possibilities opens up. Should we save or splurge? Here’s our two cents on it, literally!

Image via Ombre by Harsheen Jammu★ 4.9

Add It To Your Honeymoon Fund

Chances are that you may want to indulge in some adventure sports or maybe even a night or two at an exclusive resort for your honeymoon but your budget doesn’t allow. Now use this extra inflow to do just that and have an experience of a lifetime. Make sure that you do spend it on something exclusive rather than adding another spa massage on your list!

Pay Off Any Wedding Debt Obvs 

A lot of couples are sponsoring their own weddings, so if you have to pay off any debt related to the wedding, do that with your wedding gift money. This way you won’t have to dip into your savings as well as be debt-free as you begin a new life together!

Take A Mini-Moon

Too many wedding leaves not allowing you to indulge in a long honeymoon? Plan a mini-moon with your wedding gift money to fly off into the sunset somewhere nearby.

Image via Shiv & Vasundhara's Real Wedding 

Use It In Your New Home

Most couples shift into a new home once they get married so why not invest in that home. You can pick some beautiful home décor items or even something useful like a huge TV or a massage chair!

Splurge on an experience because...YOLO 

Do something that you always dreamt of doing but dint do it because of lack of funds or maybe some other reason. A chef's table meal or maybe even a helicopter ride! 

Buy a Piece of Jewellery 

Preferably something that the gift giver approves of - like that Swarovski neck piece that your moms always smirks at saying "Don't throw money at anything that isn't gold!"

Buy cutlery that's classic 

Beautiful cutlery makes for beautiful homes! Good Earth does some stunning cutlery and you can spend a chunk of your gift money buying a pretty tea set that you will use everyday or even a  dinner set! 

Invest, Just Invest 

If you think that you have already splurged quite a bit, then invest the money in stocks or even bonds. You can even invest it in a policy if you are planning a family soon! 

Get a great gadget that lasts for a good time 

Gadgets are something that everyone loves and its a really good investment too! Eyeing that super music system for a while? Pick it up now! 

A good pair of watches 

A good pair of his and hers never goes amiss! Its also a cute way of saying that you are a couple now! You can also get your wedding date inscribed in to make it more meaningful. 

Donate it

Be it for an NGO or in the protection of some endangered wildlife species, you can use this money to do something good. Your wedding can be a beautiful start to helping those who need it.

Give your parents a trip they will never forget 

Parents are a huge part of weddings and they spend a LOT! So why not send them on a vacation as a small gesture of thank you! You can pick a package for 4, including your in-laws! 

Create a date night fund 

Just because you are married that doesn't mean that you need to stop going on dates! Use that money to create a date night fund which you can have your exclusive monthly dates from! 

Check out Money Talks To Have With Each Other Before The Wedding!

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