Can We All Just Admit Pre-Wedding Shoots Are Getting Cheesier By The Day ?
BY The WMG Bride | 02 Jun, 2017 | 3 min read
Usually, a Wednesday morning starts pretty awesomely for me-I grab my cappuccino, and with every sip I wake out of my slumber , look at a customary Ryan Gosling photo, and hit the laptop to get my daily dose of WMG . But yesterday, as I logged on to Facebook, the first thing I saw was yet another friends pre-wedding shoot hit my Facebook wall. There they were - in some sort of a strange desert location wearing a gown fit for the Oscar red carpet in a series of beautifully shot , but also rather awkward poses (One of them involved making some sort of a strange heart sign with their hands , which honest to god looked like a flying bat to me ). The props though- somehow, magically in the middle of what looked like the Sahara desert was a giant ice cream cone made of candy floss, a bicycle and a bunch of other cutesy things around which there was a serious amount of eye gazing.
Now, maybe its just because I wear contacts, but I have a few questions. With the amount of gazing done into each others eyes, dont your eyes get scratchy keeping them like that for so long ? Mine would glaze over in a heartbeat. Second, I get that these photos are definitely nice to have , but why exactly do we need ultra exotic locations and props for them? I thought the whole reason for pre-wedding shoots were that you get some alone time to get some intimate, beautiful photos without the whole shaadi madness that accompanies an Indian wedding. But with the type of pre wedding shoots we seem to have in India these days, it looks like the madness has become the pre wedding shoot.
Curious, I googled to find out what pre wedding shoots abroad were like and while there was enough amount of cheese thrown at me, most of them were just simple, beautiful photos of the couple. Just. That. Either lounging about in their home being intimate with each other or at max dressed like they are on a date outside with a few intimate moments. Somewhere in the madness of locations, and props and outfits and awkward bat like heart shaped thingies, that chemistry of the couple seems to be getting lost.
Which made me wonder if I'm the only one who finds these over the top pre wedding shoots cheesy ?