Bridal Hair Care 101: 8 Steps To Follow For Longer, Shinier Hair!
BY Chandni Kumar | 01 Dec, 2018 | 20 views | 2 min read
Ask me what I go through all day long when I have to handle these long tresses! I mean I love them, but still, it gets harder to take care when you have so much pollution around. From split ends to hair fall, these are some problems, which we all face, right? We might love stalking & curating pictures of bridal hair that looks shinier and stronger but to handle them looks like a nightmare! From regular hair spas to oiling them and eating healthy foods to make them stronger are such things that goes into making the hair look perfect for the wedding day!
So, here we are again to give you some tips, tricks & simple hair care steps that will help you to grow your tresses without spending a million bucks! From saying NO to the hair blow dryers & using silk pillowcases to avoid frizziness follow these bridal hair care 101 steps to get longer, shinier and stronger hair for your wedding celebrations!
Super useful, right? Ensure to follow these steps immediately to get beautiful hair for your BIG day!
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