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Be an Instagram Superstar: The Most Awesome Ways To Display Your Wedding Hashtag!

BY The WMG Bride | 04 Jan, 2016 | 2 views | 2 min read

Is there ever a wedding without a hashtag these days? And by hashtag, we mean, selfies with tags and oodles of random fun drunken debauchery that you never get to see at your own wedding, if...you did not have a legit hashtag? Yes well then, we got an all important hashtag but where does on display it for all to see and participate in it? If getting a good hashtag in place is tough (we know, it's super hard to get one that rhymes well, too), getting to showcase it seems far tougher. We got you 10 good ideas that will keep your hashtag pretty without disrupting the wedding decor, and ensure you get maximum number of entries.

Tee shirts + bags 

design tuk tuk 1445075976_DTT_Design_6

Design Tuk Tuk★ 4.6

Wedding favours can have a hashtag included - bags, tees, wayfarers...you name it, your guests will never forget that hashtag...like ever!

Blackboard Signage 

with love nilma

With Love Nilma★ 5

A blackboard is a cute decor addition and you can load it up with a hashtag for best results. Simple as hell.


As Picture Frame


Pic via @Karamele.co.uk

A little picture frame doesn't hurt anyone. It can add a bit of glam to the wedding, innit?

Place cards at dinner

hashtag signs2

 Pic via @justinviteme.comilulily

Dinner conversation is now selfie + Insta time so might as well...remind them!


Directional signs

hashtag signs1

Pic via @Lizzie&company; Brides.com

Directions to everywhere and a hashtag to follow - so so apt!

As a giant installation

Here is a sure-fire way to ensure nobody misses this!

On wedding transport?


Photo by Mi belle Photography

The wedding bus with a hashtag? So innovative!

On tissues


Picture by etsy/memorablewedding

Cute, cute, cute! Only we'd hate if they ALL end up as litter! But hey, it's worth the pain if the message comes through!

As cake toppers


Picture Courtesy: Z Cake Design

Cake-cutting is all about the details - so include the hashtags. In any case, that's another good time to click an Insta shot!

Prop Words 


Pic via @Etsy: La Rose Rustique

Photobooths can have the hashtags and they can be hashtagged on Insta and FB and Twitter. So many hashtags!

Hashtag Buntings


Pic via Etsy/TimberLaceParty

Buntings, they got themselves a new life? By being messengers instead of plain old decor ideas!

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