8 Unimaginably Cool Ways To Surprise Your Groom-To-be On Your Wedding Day!
BY Apoorva | 15 Mar, 2017 | 3 min read
The wedding day is full of jitters and excitement. Your partner and groom-to-be has stood by all your craziness and all the wedding planning you’ve done. Surprise him with one of these beautiful ideas – making him even more excited to marry you!
You can arrange a surprise for him in a form of a dance or even a song – if he loves singing. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or even a huge thing – he will love the fact that you made any effort to do it. In Modern Family (The TV Series, people!), Claire gives her husband a Chinese Acrobat show as an anniversary gift. That's something eh? So yeah, think of a band he loves, a song to serenade him to and boy, will he be thrilled!
It’s a trend that we L-O-V-E and couldn’t be more of a fabulous gift. You don’t have to channel the vibes of Playboy, but you can make it sensual by wearing his favourite sports jersey or his 9-to-5 business shirt (and nothing else). You can pick up some tips here. Trust us, it always works!
We all know the saying, "the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Sometimes we're pretty convinced there's some truth to that old token of wisdom. Have two boxes of his favourite food packed with some beer or bubbly and have a midnight feast between you two post your wedding! Add his favourite drink to it and a cigar if he's into those. :)
Do something that he loves

Breakfast in Bed

Pic via Vartika & Thibaut's Wedding
If you are getting married in a hotel or near one, book him in the hotel for the night before. Arrange for a breakfast-in-bed with all his favourite stuff on the wedding day! Better still, join him for breakfast!Boudoir Photos

A Love Letter

Pic via Shutterink Photography; Pinterest
There is nothing more meaningful and touching that receiving a handwritten love letter from your partner on the day of the wedding. Make sure you give it to him right before the wedding so that the entire emotion just builds up.Customise His Stuff

Pic via Into Candid Photography
Left: Pinterest Inspiration, Right: What Vihal Actually Gave
Steal your groom’s tie or jacket before the big day and get a customised message added to them. It could be a personalised label on the back of the tie or you can simply give him monogrammed cufflinks with your initials entwined! Or even better, a bride we know got him a sweet message embroidered on his kerchief, another got her husband monogrammed socks with a cute message.Midnight Feast & a Drink

Get Him a Meaningful Gift

Pic via Pinterest
A nice watch or a sweet customised "Groom Survival Box" - both are great to show that he's the man in your life!!!!
Make Sure You Design A Kickass Card
What are you planning to do for your groom to show him how much he means to you? Tell us in the comments below!