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7 Ultra Creative Ways To Incorporate Love Quotes In Your Wedding Decor!

BY The WMG Bride | 25 Jul, 2015 | 1 view | 3 min read

So you are marrying the love of your life and you want the inner romantic in you to come out in full view and profess love in crazy ways? Fret not people, these beautiful love quotes are just the thing to add that little something extra to the wedding. Plus, they remind you of everything that's going to be awesome in your newest relationship! #1. Incorporate your favourite quote in your card: And that means, not just you but your loved ones also will know why you're together and why this union makes sense! Add in your corniest quote and watch the fireworks! 2-quotes123.bmp-003

Invitation by Customizing Creativity★ 4.9

#2. Put it as table center-pieces: It shows creativity and effortless - in your love. While your guests are chilling, all they are thinking about is - where the h*** did she find such a cute quote? :) Add a personal joke or an interesting love-quote you guys made up. 1-quotes123.bmpFullscreen capture 7252015 124723 PM.bmp Left: Photo by Artfoto Studios★ 5 from Tania Sachdev Wedding , Right: Photo by The Wedding Salad★ 4.9 by Vahi & Faisals wedding #3. Backdrop for the Jaimala or Stage? A big quote can seal the deal. Of it's propped by a stage or a big photo-booth, then god heavens, it will remembered till eternity. Just make sure you choose the lengthiest monologue or a poem that had you at hello! quotes.bmp

Photo by Stories by Joseph Radhik

#4. DIY it at the entrance as a signboard: Ooh, another reason to remind your loved ones why you guys are the couple to watch out for. It can also be used as your own #7vows. 2-quotes123.bmp-002

Photo by Going Bananas Photography★ 5 from Jim Corbett Wedding

#5. Use it as a Photo booth backdrop: Photobooth or Quote Wall - or both? Yes, multi-task your decor by using a quote in a photobooth to say all the things your heart is saying at the moment! 3-quotes123-001.bmp

Photo by Joseph Radhik from Vanisha & Gopals Wedding

#6 . Pin them on trees to spread the cheer: Another killer decor idea - but definitely one that's easy. Just print out a few quotes you like, watermark them with your names and go crazy all over the decor. For this one, pun incessantly and quote endlessly. 1-quotes123.bmp-001

Photo from Tania & Kabirs wedding

#7 . Personalise your cutlery: Elaborate but super memorable. Personalise the cutlery with a simple quote that showcases your love to the world. Fun stuff! 10866234_967963079895245_1115979648846510124_o

Decor by Artisan Atelier

Think you have another idea that might show us a new way to showcase our love? Ping us here! 

8. Use it as a Photobooth frame

Photo: Photobuddies

We absolutely loved the gorgeous photobooth in this real wedding  . Made with simple wire twists and turns, - this makes for frame worthy photos.

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