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10 Smart Ways To Make Your Invitation Cards On A Tight Budget!

BY Latha Sunadh | 09 Mar, 2017 | 4 views | 4 min read

We all want gorgeous sexy invitation cards but really, our pockets don't stretch too far for the fancy ones. Either the paper is so expensive or the designer is asking for a bomb. Either ways, you don't want to compromise. So here's the deal - just go through our ideas and checklist and figure out the coolest ways to make your cards rock!!! Always remember that no budget is small if you play the right "cards".

Pic via Appy Couple 

Online is Best!

Yep, 2017 is all about online and no one will clearly deny that. And day by day, with our moms and dads on Whatsapp and Facebook, it's almost acceptable to stick to online wedding invites. That said, just what do we have here: Templates & Instant Downloads There are lots of places that have interesting templates online and they allow for instant download. They are one way of saving money and you can print them on paper and send them online! Pick and choose colours and get creative! Paid Online Invites There are a few places like Paperless or Vistaprint that allow for designs to be paid online and then printed out. They have custom-made designs so it's all good! Etsy Invites ( Cheap & Best) Etsy is a reservoir of awesome - you get readymade designs to order and to be delivered according to your liking Whatsapp Invites ( The Cool Animated Ones) Wedding invitations through a chatbot are getting more and more popular, try it!   Appy Couple The app is perfect for making invites, adding pictures, writing about the ceremonies etc.

Paper Is Important

Imported paper is expensive. So, stick to simple options that are easily do-able and available. Recycled domestic paper is good enough - you can even buy your paper in bulk at your local market if you want. With a lot of textures and a ton of colour combos, you'll never have to really compromise on style!

Say No To Upgrades

Perfect Invites★ 4.9

Ok this is tough to let go, but frills should be the esaiest way to save on invites. Fancy-schmancy envelope liners or textured paper additions or 3D ideas, hand-painted details and custom colours - just say no. A simple shade card with a simple design is good enough. Engraving and letter-printing is a strict no-no.

Invest In Great Copy

Wanna hold your guests attention? Work with a fun idea or an interesting text instead of a fancy design. It stays in their mind. For example, I know a friend who just attached two matchsticks on a fun card and wrote "We Found The Match" - simple and fun. And great humorous copy uplifts any card above anything else, so invest in that and forgo the frills.

Printing Techniques

Pretty Gilded Designs★ 5

Off-set printing isn't something you should opt for. Anything custom-made is also not an ideal option. Digital printing is perhaps the only way to really work things on a budget! So know your printing techniques and save up big time on that, these are a few ways you end up spending a lot on.

Know The Cheap Stuff And Work With It

There is a technique to know how to stay suave in less - for example, brown paper is cheap and looks handmade and fun. So utilize it well and add a gold print or a copper print to make it look luxe. So it's never about the product, it's how you put it together!

Spend Now On More

You see, wedding cards in bulk come out less cheaper. So no last minute stuff, just order your invites in bulk to save costs and you need not go back again and again.

Small Things Matter

Most interesting ideas cost more money. For example, some invites have a map drawn to the location, we say, put in a google map location so guests can access on their smart phones. Or you could print your wedding and reception back-to-back on the same card. Get a nice stamp made in your hashtag or your wedding logo and stamp things up, instead of printing.

Remember These Tiny Details

Studio Works Co.★ 5

Square or circular shaped cards are difficult to find envelopes for to post it. Rectangle is best! you acn buy regular covers and use them too. Leave extra ideas like ribbons or trinkets - it's unnecessary. Also, gold or silver lining costs more so stick to basics. Instead of designs or pictures, go with different fonts to add dimensions to your look.

Enlisting a BFF Or Scouring A Good Designer 

Behance is a big place to find a great new designer who is willing to share her work for less. Everyone wants work but it's the new guys who are dying to make an impression that can be used to make your dream card. Win-win. You can even enlist a BFF who can give you a design in less!
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